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Summer, 2014

Howard Baer – God Bless Us Everyone (text by Don Ryan), 18′

narrator + 2.picc(opt) / perc.pno(opt).hp./sts  also Opt. 1 perc & chorus

Victor Davies – Concerto for Tubameister, 20′

Solo Tuba + 2(II=picc).2.2.2./ perc./sts

Movement 3 – Sancho Panza goes to the Bull Fight

Malcolm Forsyth – Electra Rising – Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, 30′


Movement 4 – Paen

Malcolm Forsyth – A Ballad of Canada, 25′

mixed chorus SSAATTBB + 2(II=picc).2(II=ca).2(I=Bb & A; II=Bb & A & Eb).2./ perc (incl toy piano). hp./sts

Excerpt last half mov’t 1 – most of mov’t 2:

Malcolm Forsyth – Double Concerto , for cello and viola, 26′


Candenza 2 – Mov’t 3

Summer, 2013

Malcolm Forsyth – Atayoskewin, 20′

2(II=picc).2.2.2/,2perc,hp,pno,sts (3rd perc. may substitute for piano)

The Spirits:

The Dream:

The Dance:

 Bramwell Tovey – Lincoln Tunnel Cabaret, 13′

2.picc.2.2.2./4.3.2.btmb.1./timp.3 perc.pno./sts

Entire Piece:

 Jim McGrath – Suite no. 2, 18′

2 (II=picc).2.1.bcl(=clar II).2./

Movement 1:

Movement 2:

Movement 3:

 Victor Davies – Jazz Piano Concerto, 27′

2(II=picc).2(II=ca).2(II=bcl).2./ perc./sts
Mov’t 1. Theme with 9 scenes (A Detective Story); 2. I saw them in Paris (Sorbet); 3. Escape to Havana (Farewell).

Movement 1:

Movement 2:

Movement 3:

Forsyth – Trickster Coyote, 18′

2(picc)222/4231/Timp, 2 Perc: Mohawk rattle, pow-wow drum, Glockenspiel/Harp, Piano*/Strings. (*Piano is Opt. and may substitute or be added to Harp)